Chris Thanxx:
Meine Eltern, Julia, my Friends (u know who u r), God & the spirit of music
JJ want to say:
Well, I think there's nothing I hate more than to say thanks everyone to be a part of my life.

I wrote on my flags to be fair-minded and keep company with my friends. Should you are counted among the really important people in my life, be sure you'll take notice!

Keep rockin'
GM Thanxx:
eltern, schwester, lieblingsfrau sabrina, jungs mädels, rock´n´roll
Nops Thanxx:
All our Fans & Supporters, Allen die Treu bleiben, Andrea, Andy, Anna, Annika, August Iner, Biene, Bitchess, Brandy, Chris, ChrisR, Class of 1990, Conny, Dad, daich66, Demos gegen Alles, Family, Flamingo, Franz, Frontrider, GIGs, GM, God (for giving Rockn Roll to you), Heavy Metal, Hias, Illi, Internet (macht selten Bled), JJ, Julia, Kons, Master of the Wind, McLane, Michi, Mom, Music, Penis, PeterR, Prian, Riiichiii, RNC, Saggat, Sassi, Schlechte Welt, Schweine, Sex Drugs and Helmut Kohl (sorry Rockn Roll), Sondes, Sonne, Steiff, Stück, TFC (Vernichter), Umlauten, Verena, WAHRE Freunde, Warste Iner, Werner Brombach, Zwiebel

...and of course Special Thanxx to U !!!

CU @ the next GIG